I have 2 best friends. I am gay. He is str-8 and loves my Other best friend.?


New member
Jun 16, 2008
But he does not treat me equal.
He always treats her so much better then me.
He always asks her questions.
He tells her everything now. He says I am his best friend.
But he only talks to me about her.
He knows I am inlove with him. My friend knows he is inlove with her.
She does not like him like that.
He says he does not like her like that anymore. i know he is lying.
I told him that I dont feel like im being treated equal.
He changed it.
Now it is going back to how it was before.
he is one of those loose cannons.
He always thinks he is right all the time.
He twists words to make it seem he is right.
I just dont know what to do no more.
Please help?
I ask my friend for help she tried.
he is one of those mind game players.
I even got him valentine things.
He said it was weird but he said thank you.
I try and say goodmorning to him.
He does not say nothing.
He always talks about her.
and if its not about her.
its about nothing.
I love him alot also.
I do want to stop being friends with him.
But I know I will always be inlove with him.
Any tips on how to resolve this?
Or anything?
if he´s straight drop it, not worth your time cause it will not change, and you will feel like nothing you do is enough and that you don´t get anything of what you give in exchange