How to deal with complaining neighbors?


May 13, 2008
We had trouble with our neighbors in the past. I killed them with kindness and for 6 months everything seemed okay until we got a letter from our landlord saying the tenants below us sent a letter to the condo board complaing about our "loud banging" and had dates and descriptions of our loud "banging". Luckily our landlord is on our side, but we have recieved a warning in the mail from the condo board and the tenants threatening to take legal action. They have even called the cops on us 2 times now. The first day we moved in, they complained we were being too loud. Which I find it is impossible to NOT be loud when you are moving in! They still told us to keep it down. NOW Their ultimate complaint is that we walk too loud!! We never have parties, listen to music loud or anything. THe one time they called the cops while me and my husband were watching tv and sittin on the couch together. THey are being totally unreasonable and now they have a list of noises DAILY! the other day I tripped and they banged on the ceiling, a month ago, i dropped a book, they banged on the ceiling and wrote it up as a formal complaint. We cant do anything without them complaining! THey complain about noise in all hours of the night and day. SAying that we must not sit down more than 5 min at a time etc... It is NORMAL household noise! They are not even old! they are a few years older tahn us but nothing satisfies them. We have talked with them and nothing seems to improve. THey keep telling us that we need to walk lighter, try tip toeing! I am not about to tip toe around my own house!! Its a very old apartment building and I personally believe they should move out or move to a top floor! They are slandering our name by doing this and by calling the cops and having us in police reports! We are not doing anything wrong or anything out of the ordinary. Everyone walks in their house, everyone accidently drops something on occassion. The condo board is threatening to take action if our behavior continues! How can we NOT continue walking in our own home without being evicted?? Should I just tell me landlord that this is not worth it, break our lease and move out and let the downstairs complainers win?