Is it alright to accept God and Jesus, but not accept the religion?


Jul 17, 2008
Like Christianity, Catholicism, Mormonism, and all the other religions that believe in God and Jesus. I'd just rather not be part of a religion that would poison my mind and control me. Because I found that I wasn't liking certain people because of who they are or what they do (homosexuals, women who have abortions, people of other religions, people who don't accept God/Jesus), and I don't want to be like that because Jesus said to love everyone, even your enemies. So I'd rather focus on just God and Jesus and not the religion itself because I know God will not poison my mind or control me like religion does. Or do I have to accept and be in the religion in order to accept God? Is that possible?
Is it like I can't have one without the other?
It's called non-denominational. Religion can only hold you in bondage to rituals,doctrines and traditions of men. It's possible! Bless ya!
of coarse,its the best way to go.
listen to this, its quite short...
You can love Jesus but follow his rules. Gay sex is against the rules. Go read the bible yourself and see what it says.
Religion will entrap ones soul, even when the religion doesn't seem too apparent to you. I assume you're basing your concept of God and Jesus from the Bible. Keep in mind men throughout history changed and perverted the book, leaving out text and adding in text. When you rise above established texts and erected buildings, you will find freedom. When truly looking for God you need only to look within, and no one on this earth can show you that way. It is purely solitary and independent from others thought and control. A guide such as a book can only take you so far.
It's perfectly fine, whichever path you wish to choose. Some may insist that you absolutely cannot do so, but even if they type you a book telling you why, they aren't you, and they can't tell you what feels right to your heart.