Is it wrong that I scream at my kids for watching The Fairly Odd Parents

Please don't scream at your kids. It's much more harmful to them than anything they would watch.

You should find a therapist. Therapy helped me enormously.
Yes yes, also burn all of the harry potter books and toothfairy, because she uses witchcraft too.
Its only a tv show... Its not even that bad compared to all those shows with cussing and stuff.
Dark-sided...didn't that crazy lady from trading places say that?

Um yeah.It was wrong.It's a kids show!
It's harmless!
And if you actually think THAT"S bad,have your kids watch some cartoons from the 90's.You'll see how toned down modern day cartoons are.
no, because the Fairly OddParents has declined in quality and jumped the shark years ago.

Tell your kids to watch PBS. Arthur is still a good show.
I don't know what the Fairly Odd Parents are, but, unless it's generally telling your kids to ACTUALLY worship these things, you have nothing to worry about.

Edit: I googled it - It's a cartoon! What's wrong with you :O
I hope you are joking. So much.

Isn't there something else you could "scream" at your kids about?
Don't forget to sack Disney..

Tinkerbelle, Peter Pan, The Little Mermaid, The Three Fairy Godmothers from Sleeping Beauty, talking animals, enchanted castles...ohhhh that Walt Disney was sooo evil...

*done with eye-roll now*