Question About Reptiles . . . . . . .?


Active member
May 11, 2008

I am looking for a pet Gecko. What would be the easiet and smallest one to have? I'm no expert, so don't give me a hard time, this is simply a question. Thank you.

A Leopard Gecko would be best, Very easy to look after, only need their sand changed every 3 months+ and their feces sieved out every 3 weeks.

Food: as many crickets as they can eat in 15 Minutes and when they are adults as many locusts as they can eat in 15 Minutes every day.
A Leopard Gecko would be best, Very easy to look after, only need their sand changed every 3 months+ and their feces sieved out every 3 weeks.

Food: as many crickets as they can eat in 15 Minutes and when they are adults as many locusts as they can eat in 15 Minutes every day.
The EASIEST would be a leopard gecko. Most geckos require high humidity (misting the cage 3 times a day). The leopard gecko is a desert reptile. They aren't the smallest gecko, but they are the easiest to care for.
This is a simple answer - Leopard Gecko - they are cute too, mine grew to 9 inches at most, and they are friendly and very easy to handle. <- might help.

P.S earlier someone mentioned sand - DO NOT USE IT!
Some gecko's accisentally swallow it and get ill, use fake sand. And meal worms would be easier to digest then crickets or locusts