How Can I Run and Sprint Faster?


Jun 8, 2008
I'm wondering how I can sprint faster. What are some techniques? What are some workouts?
Running faster is not a one day thing it is actually a process which can take many months to matriculate. However in a nutshell before you start any workout you need to develop a background of fitness. You can achieve this by running mileage. After you have gotten the level of fitness, you can start by running 200m-400m at a pace that is above comfort level (your hamstrings should burn after doing 2-3 of these) for a couple weeks and slowly decline the distances every 2 weeks or so. After your endurance level is at the point were you can run a comfortable 200m then you are ready for speed work. Speed work can include anything ranging from 20m up to 60m. You do several sets for example...5x20, 5x30, 5x40 etc. Also plyometric drills will help alot. Box jumps, skipping etc. going to the gym etc. Again this is a very vague and simple workout try getting yourself hooked up with a coach or something.