can you not realize that by trying to ban religion and make all people believe in one thing that "there is no god". you are just as bad as any other religion that trys to convert all people to their faith? you think the end of religion will bring peace, but it would not. people will always kill and fight eachother as they always have. And do you think that religion would just go away? no there would be major rebellions and deaths would reach a higher number than ever before. so by trying to destroy certain groups of people you are becoming worse than any other extreme,as you would say, religion.
and i like many others believe in god, why should you be able to take away that right?
there are athiest that want to ban religion, not that many but there are.
there are athiest that want to ban religion, not that many but there are.
elton john proposed to ban religion don't say none do.
just reaearch athiest that want to ban religion and you will see that there are more than you think. and i also know many religions believ non-believers should be killed, but there have been tons of questions aimed at them.i am aiming this question at a different group

so if your an athiest and you don't want religion to be banned this question is not aimed at you