How often should a beta fish be fed?


New member
Aug 30, 2008
Is once a day okay, and should I really try to make it around the same time each day, or does it matter?

If we are going on a short trip, are they okay if they skip a day of feeding?
no problem u can feed the fish once a day every morning but keep it consistent time jst feed a lil extra not to mutch
I always fed my fish twice a day, just what they could eat in a couple of minutes.You do not want to overfeed! Plus they can go without for a day. Just feed him right before you leave...don't put more food in there cause it will just dirty the water.
What you're doing now seems to be okay, but twice a day is better. About 3-4 pellets of food in the morning and at night is best.

if you go away on a trip, then yes, he will be fine while you're gone for a day or two. If you are going to be gone for longer, then you should get these small white slabs of nutrients that dissolve in the water and keep fish alive.
you can feed them up to three times a day im not sure it matters if its at the same time and yeah they can skip a day or two as long as the temp is right
once a day is more than enough, it is recommended 2 or 3 pellets once a day. if you go on a trip they will be absolutely fine. I have two and i live in college and they are back home. i go home twice during the week and the weekends so they only gte few 5 time weekly and they are fine. just make sure to change there water the more you feed them because if you do not the water will cloud and become smelly
Your betta has a stomach the size of his eyeball, and you need to feed accordingly. I like to feed 3-4 pellets a day, usually at once.

In answer to your other question, one day without feeding should be fine. I acutally plan for a fast day each week, a day when my bettas are not fed at all because this gives their GI tracts a day to clear out the residual food and is very cleansing.

Hope that helps!
About as much as they can eat in a two minute period, twice a day. I don't have a set time. Just once in the morning and once in the evening.

I have also been away for a day and my Bettas were fine. Just give 'em a little extra the day before.