Why do you think that it is so easy to lure a child away based on an internet


New member
Feb 3, 2009
relationship? I met a little girl online that sings. She seemed and still seems like a sweet kid. O just really got thinking though, it would be so easy for someone like me to talk all nice , nice to her and lure her to me. WHICH I WOULD NEVER DO!!! But it just made me realize how easy it could happen because she really trusts me. Well, why do you think that it is made so easy? Like on facebook or myspace they give you so many different places to enter personal information. Why after all of the children that have been lured away and raped and killed, why is the law still allowing site creators to still allow like the fill in the blanks information for your profile page. Shouldn't they have learned?
trying to be some one they are not like all the people placing information on facebook or myspace don't know whatever is posted will follow them forever
yes seeking attention, being listened to, treated nicely,etc and kids are just naturally trusting and open to suggestion.
parents need to pay more attention.
Just because, if you feel like you trust somebody, your body automatically feels, somewhat attached... Take me for example, I have xbox live and I trust a lot of my friends, that I have never seen before, just talked to.
Because the children, for the most part, haven't been out in the world yet. They don't have the life experiences that make them think twice about what they're about to do. Most of the time, adults are also more knowledgeable in persuasive methods. They know what, when, and how to say something, in that it will project a sense of trust and safety to who they're talking to.

I agree that it's scary, and I know i'm going to be watching my daughter close when she's old enough to start using the internet.
well yes..should have unforunatley is the key word......

Sadly few people actually care. Well im mean they care but they would rather have a totally awsome myspace or BE the creator of it then just have all canceled to save some kids life.....i know...its sad

Plus i think the reason it is not a law is because you dont HAVE to put your info in. It is optional but of course...they fill it in anyway.I honestley dont understand but....i felt i needed to state my opinion