How will we survive w/o aT.V. the size of our patio doors, and a cellphone


Apr 14, 2008
that does everything except---? ---pick up the dry cleaning?
Oh, the horror of trying to go thru life without a pizza delivery, and cable T.V.
Is this economic "crisis" the end of civilized existence on this planet ?
I can't bear to think about it.
I have a Cell phone that I can watch TV on and go on the internet and look a porn on. I ordered pizza last night and I have a 45 inch wall mounted TV in a house that was $210,000 that my girlfriend and I bought for $147,000. I see nothing bad going on right now. And I intend to buy a new car this spring. Whats all this fuss about? And Im 20 years old and graduated from a technical college in May. So I think your in your own boat there. Being lazy gets you NOTHING working hard and getting off your @ss can get you anythign you want even during all this.
I was just telling my husband last night that the countries idea of a "crisis" is not being able to eat out every night.

I'm glad I'm not the only person who notices this stuff...
excellent point, I find it interesting that the majority of "poor" people in this country have more than most in other countries.
Oh, the horror. I already do these things, LOL. Out of choice. Well, have you read Player Piano, by Kurt Vonnegut? People are acting as though it's THAT bad. All it is, some corporates want to make millions more than last year, that's all.
I've done it before--- it's doable. Though to some it would be the end of the world.

We have lost our self-sufficiency, and even worse, the ability to entertain ourselves.
Oh...I don't know. Maybe I can pass time with those rectangular things with words in them.
The points you raise tell the tale of why we are in such a mess now, but corporations and the media would not have you believe that. If they did, TV and technology would not be our national religion and past time