I'm bisexual, but only attracted to gay guys. Does that mean I'm a lesbian?


New member
Aug 22, 2008
I think your still figuring it out. and thats ok to aswell. just take each day as it comes

when you see these guys you like weather there gay or not, can you imagine yourself in bed with them? or what it would be like to sleep with them? if so then you must have some curiosity there, also for the fact you was looking at them.

have yuo ever slept with a guy or just girls? maybe you have that curiousness there because of that?

just live your live and dont worry abuot what you are. you are who you are and you will be attracted to who you do. and unfortunatly it cant be changed. just do what makes you happy :)
I'm still a teenager, so I guess my sexuality's supposed to be messing me around till I'm like 25 or something. Still, I'm really confused.

I've had relationships/flings with four or five girls, so I'm pretty sure that I'm attracted to women. I've also had intense crushes on guys that I knew were definitely gay, or guys who were kind of girly & were unlikely to be straight. I'm not interested in straight-acting, macho guys at all- only guys who are gay, or seem like they could be gay.

I don't think 'Oooh he looks gay, so I love him' or anything XD I think it's a subconscious thing. It's not just that I like gay guys as in like, I make friends with them easily, it's LIKE like. It's kind of depressing, because obviously if they're gay or in the closet, they don't wanna go out with me.

Do I just have really bad luck (that every guy I've liked has turned out gay?), or do I only like gay guys because I'm actually a lesbian and I'm just a bit... confused?
You don't need a label. You are who you are, you like what you like. Theres no name I know for 'liking a gay guy', you don't need to put a label on it.
In respect to the guys.

If you know you are into women and you are also finding an attraction to girly type guys, I think you can take that to say, you are seeing them as a girl not a guy. So yes I would say your a lesbian.