why do people hate old fashioned animes?


New member
Aug 5, 2008
i mean stuff like dragonball z, inuyasha, pokemon (first version), etc.

don't just say "because they suck" or anything like that, and give an explanation.
I personally love all of the ones you mentioned just now, though for pokemon i thought it started to suck when they got rid of Misty, everything before that was awesome. I love all of the DB Sagas AND Inuyasha, in fact I'm STILL hoping they finish it up... :)
Agreed: DBGT was Terrible!
I like Dragonball and Dragonball Z, but Dragonball GT was god-awful...just a ploy to make more money and the plot was annoying at best, non-existant at worst.

I like Inuyasha...up to a point. Rumiko Takahashi, bless her sould, I love her but her stories tend to go on for way to long and they can get old.

Pokemon should have stayed a game, enough said. There was not enough plot to work with for a series. Digimon was better.

I like lots of other older anime than that, Inuyasha is really quite new compared to some of the series I've watched...
because, they are old school. There are many new and improved anime shows out there currently. Most people wouldn't want to watch old episodes of Pokemon! new types of pokemon and characters have been added.. better quality and concept =)