Why do celebrities choose to have c-sections rather than vaginal birth?


New member
Feb 9, 2009
If vaginal birth is so much easier and better, why do you always hear about them getting elective c-sections?
Because they are so vain they don't want to have their vaginas stretched out or torn to the point where some man would find them unattractive. Even the ones that are married won't be married for long since hollywood marriages don't last. And they can spend tens of thousands of dollars to make C-section scars go away. It is all because they are self important, too, and yes, are so controlling they need to plan every detail of their lives.
Maybe so they can have a tummy tuck done at the same time? Just a thought......
Because they want to be in control and decide when the baby arrives. Also to work around their busy schedules. And because it's the new 'too posh to push' movement.

I've recently read where Jessica Alba had a natural birth and said 'it wasn't too bad.' I think Gwyneth Paltrow had vaginal deliveries as well, so there are a few out there who still do.
Not only celebrities choose c-section these days, allot of people want c-section, because it less painful than vaginal birth, and who wants to go through all that pain for hours ad hours when you can have the baby in 30 mins and no pain.
Because they want to be in control and decide when the baby arrives. Also to work around their busy schedules. And because it's the new 'too posh to push' movement.

I've recently read where Jessica Alba had a natural birth and said 'it wasn't too bad.' I think Gwyneth Paltrow had vaginal deliveries as well, so there are a few out there who still do.
pushing the baby out vaginally causes your hips to widen--HELLO! celebrities are all about body image.

the scar is very small and it's below the pubic bone and with the money they have, they can have it "removed"

I think because they can schedule them so they don't have to worry about the timing being bad, its crazy though.
because they are crazy! I had a c-section and have to have another why in the heck would you do that just for fun....nuts-o
I don't know. Good question. Maybe they know something the rest of the world doesn't know about C-sections. I personally wouldn't want to have one but Brittany Spears needed one, a lot of the celebs with twins need them too but maybe they are just as scared as the rest of us to have their vagina stretched out that they opt for a C-section.