can LCD monitor get burn in?


New member
May 22, 2008
hi there, i just got new 20in samsung lcd monitor few day ago and i use dvi input.i been left it on for like 45mins to 1hour like that. and samsung say lcd can get a burn in. man that freaked me out, please tell me do lcd can burn in? if yes then how long it take to burn in? please tell me i give ya 10 points thank you.
Samsung is wrong. LCD monitors cannot get a burn-in.

You should still turn on screensaver and/or monitor shut-off to save power, though.
Yes and no.

LCD suffer from something called image persistence. If left on for a long time, say 24 hours, an image like a little graphic or something can get stuck on the screen. However in almost all cases this is not permanent, just turn off the TV for a while and it will go away.

Consumers really don't have to worry about permanent burn in with LCDs. Its much more likely to happen on something like an in store display or something that stays on 24/7 for weeks on end.

Bottom line, don't worry about it. 1 hour is NOTHING.