In what order were these religions created, from oldest to newest?


New member
Feb 9, 2009
Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Buddhism, Taoism
Alright, thanks for not answering the question Laptop Jesus.

And it's not homework actually, I just happen to be interested in this and I wanted to know. I thought Y!A was for asking questions, my mistake =]
Here is my order:
Hinduism, Zoroastrianism, Jainism, Buddhism, Judaism , Christianity, Islam ,Sikhism.

There is Taoism, which I am not sure where it will fit.

Janism and Buddhism are offshoots of Hinduism. Buddhism is atheistic in nature.

Sikhism is a blend of Hinduism and Islam.
One thing that all those faiths would have in common: they would consider doing your own homework a great virtue.
From oldest to newest:

Judaism (13th century BCE); Hinduism (unknown origins); Buddhism (Iron age, 1200-300 BCE); Jainism (Iron age, 1200-300 BCE); Taoism (722-481 BCE); Zoroastrianism (early first millenia BCE); Christianity (first century); Islam (7th century); Sikhism (15th century)
what i know of
Islam, Judaism, Christianity - although they are basicly the same thing... are all from the middle east

(random order) Tao., Bud., Hindu. are all from asia. dont know bout the others
As far as I rememeber, it's Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam.

I can't remember where the others fit.
I can tell you a few, In the Abrahimic religions (Christianity Judaism and Islam) Judaism was first, claiming from when time begun in Genisis, from Judaism came Christianity, begining of the common era. Islam similar sort of times because it branched from Judaism. Hindusim is hard because it comes from thousands of years ago but wasn't labelled as Hinduism then. Buddhism came from India again and Jainism came from Buddhism ish, can't really say when. Although the historical Buddha was said to be around 5 centuries before the common era. As for Taoism, the founder was around again about 5 centuries BCE. The other two I dont know.
So on a timeline ish.
Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Christianity
let me try

Zoroastrianism,Jainism , Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism , Christianity, Islam ,Sikhism

I think that is roughly right , but I am unsure where Taoism fits in this
Judaism, Christianity, Islam

Not sure about the eastern ones, but they would almost certainly be around the time of Judaism.

Also depends how you define the terms, of course.
Hinduism (55-26th?)
Judaism (14th BCE?)*
Jainism (9th BCE)
Zoroastrianism (6th BCE)
Buddhism (5th BCE)
Taoism (4th? BCE)
Christianity (1st CE)
Islam (7th CE)
Sikhism (15th CE).

* According to Jewish tradition. Many contemporary scholars date the Torah to no earlier than the Persian period (539-334 BCE). However, some scholars argue that is was only in the Hellenic period (323 -146 BC) that it became monotheistic.
Hinduism (before 15th c. BCE), Judaism (13th c. BCE), Buddhism (12th c. BCE), Jainism (12th c. BCE), Taoism (7th c. BCE), Zoroastrianism (5th c. BCE), Christianity (1st c.), Islam (7th c.), Sikhism (15th c.).