Regarding my future career choices..?


New member
Aug 8, 2008
I'm currently an Architecture-oriented student, with goals to work in architecture like my father. However...

I've been poking around, and I've always been interested in Pediatrics or Orthodontics.

The PRODUCTION process of a movie has always greatly interested me. Becoming a Movie Producer is also an option I'd like to pursue.

I've reason to believe that pediatrics, orthodontics, and architecture have room to grow in the future. However, while Movie Production remains a lucrative business... Its future vitality may be subject to the whim and will of the economy.

A penny for your thoughts?
BTW, for those who don't know what movie production is....

Movie producers don't make the movie. They get the story rights, and then find people to make the movie.
ok now going career by career here:

Architecture - very good field, always need people there but your career options are kinda limited in the area and you have to search for a good place to work.

Pediatrics/ Orthodontics - both great fields, always in demand for employees, but you'll have to change your major right away and probably have to stay extra time in school even just for undergrad before even thinking of med school or dentist type school. It'll take a long time to get through college, but you'll make a good chunk of money in those fields, but the time you spend on schooling and the hours of working can be stressful. Also you have to be comfortable dealing with kids and adults (especially with orthodontics) and being able to give shots or stick your hands in someone's mouth, lol.

Movie producer - so many people want to be in Hollywood or the movie business but it takes a long time to get noticed for work. If you want that type of field, become a film major, focusing on production and technology classes. Go to grad school for further focus in the area, and do any kinda of side projects possible, make documentaries, or home made movies, just do what you can to get your work and ideas out to the public. It'll take a lot of hard work and patience but if it's what you want you can probably make it there, just have to be extremely dedicated as well.