Have you at all lost hope in politics at this point?


New member
Nov 15, 2008
I have mostly because of various hollywood carnards, some people probably voting for their candidate based on race and the governments lack of concern for national security sending home 61 terrorists. Also our push towards socialism that hopefully will not radically turn into communism at one point and people similar to Blogoveich who would be upsetting people like lincoln and couple other things
So are you gonna run, shlt your pants, fight? What is the new Plan?
have faith 9 state have Just Said No We Cannot to Obama.
Follow this link. Move to one of these States or start a Movement in your State
I lost hope over a decade ago when Republicans in Congress impeached President Clinton over one of the most minor of offenses.
Where are you getting your news from, bill o'reilly? Not all of the 61 men released were terrorists! Most people I know do not vote for a person because of their race. They look at the person's record, they listen to their speeches and watch the debates. You could at least begin Lincoln's name with a capital L and you can calm down, this country will never go communist.
I'm actually gaining hope in politics right now. President Obama is largely to thank for this and I hope more people follow his lead. He took this seriously from the time he left Harvard and it's paying off. More politicians should get where they are by education and hard work, not by who they know.
I lost hope in 2001 and 2004, but have regained it in 2008. It's just a shame that more rrepublicans weren't voted out - especially the likes of McCain. He is again proving how little he cares for the average citizen and seems instead to be vehemently focused on destroying any gains that could be made during this administration. What a sore loser.
For the most part, yes, because elections and everything else that has to do with helping our country has been made a mockery of and turned into a circus. It's disgusting. Greed and corruption have almost completely taken over the people who are supposed to be our "leaders" and spokespersons. The people who truly make America grow are the ones who have been forgotten about. Not only that, but no one can just get over the rumors and just look at the facts. Politics anymore has become a big popularity contest; let's see who can dig the most dirt up on who, and the person with the least amount of dirt dug up on them wins the election.
No, I have regained hope. Things are finally getting done for the American people. For 8 years, our government wasted our resources on useless conflicts while ignoring the needs of the people. Now we have leaders who are focused on Americans. I'm grateful.
I have given up on solving America's problems politically. There are other ways to do it. It might mean death or imprisonment, but I figure it to be worth it.
In 1980, people voted for an old B-movie star from the late show and hand soap commercials to lead the free world. The seductive quality of so called "rock star voting" was really begun in that moment.

Reagan quickly stripped the US of it's unions and durable goods manufacturing capabilities, and turned it into an underclass country of clerks selling Chinese goods back and forth to each other.

And ya know what? Many people who have no sense STILL cherish Reagan as our greatest president. He DESTROYED the US, the America Dream, the middle class, and the post WW2 prosperity boom as a favor to his super-rich cronies. He called it "free market". It's what has lead America's economy to it's current crisis.

You cannot turn the US into the personal urinal of a priveleged few, and the whole system survive as a decent place to live and work and raise children. You just can't.
i never had faith in politics because they only want to get reelected not help people
You have a problem with me voting for a candidate because of his race ? Why so hypocritical ? Not only have you elected presidents that had slaves you also elected presidents who were proud bigots. Your ancestors didn't think or dare to challenge them so why should I ?

The idea of blacks voting for Obama because of his race is a fallacy.

98 % of African- Americans vote democrat and 98% of Blacks voted for Obama.

The reverse racist card is stupid and Obama was the best man for the Job.

Sarah Palin is one of the dumbest people to ever walk the Earth and here is my evidence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ntEE9Zy-qQQ
Tax evaders all over the place in the new admin and sky is falling speeches 3 times a day are causing lots of people to lose faith in general.
Racists who vote solely on the basis of color of skin and not content of character.

Like Jack Nicholson as the Joker says in the first Batman movie
"This town needs an enema"