Is a woman who is sexually interested in men and women but only interested in...


New member
Feb 8, 2009
...relationships with men bisexual? What does this make a person? (My friend is too freaked to ask. :p)
Um yea. Duh. she is Bi. sexual interest preempts whether or not you want to be in relationships.
I'm interested sexually in men and women but only interested in relationships with women, and I consider myself bisexual. So, yes.
only your sexual feelings detrmine your orientation

you can choose to follow them or ignore them but but they are what they are

if you like both you are bisexual whether you act on both or not
Yes, she's bi-sexual. Bi-sexual refers only to the sexual attraction part of it, not to do with personality traits (butch or fem), nor with emotional bonding.
Yes, she's bi-sexual. Bi-sexual refers only to the sexual attraction part of it, not to do with personality traits (butch or fem), nor with emotional bonding.
Yes. She is a bisexual who prefers men over women. Not uncommon. As a bisexual women, I also prefer to date men.

Sexuality is about attraction, not action. For example, a gay man who remains in the closet his entire life. He marrys a woman and has children. Is he any less homosexual? No. He is homosexual because he is attracted to only men.