can someboby please explain why am I unable to get a date?


May 13, 2008
I have loads of friends who are females and some I have loved in the past before they rejected me, the problem is I have a rare genetic disorder called marfans syndrome but I am perfectly capable of doing everything any man is capable of doing but I keep getting rejected when I ask girls out on a date, they always say 'john I really like you as a friend but not in that way, i'd prefer it if we remain friends' and stuff like that and I see other men put in less effort with the same girls and they end up sleeping with them or kissing them, I am 22 and still a virgin, and I have tried it with over 20 girls in the past 2 years, and if you say I need to stop thinking about it I can't because getting a girl is in the forefront of my primal instincts, and the more I get rejected the more it confirms my belief that I am going to die an unmarried virgin