Would people still be interested in religion if it didn't promise an afterlife?


May 19, 2008
i.e. if you had to be 'good' your whole life but would receive no reward in heaven?
Trey J misses the point - would you still indulge in religious belief if there was zero reward promised? would you be 'good' for the sake of being good, not just because you have been promised 'a reward'?
simple answer is yes.

i believe that religion serves a purpose for those who want a belief.
i think it is important for people to have something to believe in as it fulfils the basic question of what is the meaning of life?
i think it is too hard a concept to accept that there is no certain answer to such a question without the existence of a God.

let's face it , the human race and the individual are of no consequence.

i have always envied people's belief in God because it provides them with such comfort throughout their lives