Why am I gaining this weight?


May 13, 2008
I'm 16 (done developing), 5'4, and I've gone from 107 lbs to 111.5 lbs in only two weeks or less. I know, it might seem like I'm complaining over nothing, but I haven't been above 109 since last June, and this doesn't seem like a healthy amount of weight to gain in such a short amount of time.

In the past two weeks, I've been doing 100 crunches and 50 push ups per day, an hour of cardio five days a weeks, and arm exercises a few times a week. I used to do a smaller amount of cardio and sometimes crunches, but I still don't see how I could've gained that much muscle with that little of exercise.

Also, I have been eating healthier. About 1500 calories per day, no sodas, more water, more salads and wheat instead of white bread and turkey instead of unhealthier meats, much less sweets though I still sometimes can't control myself with that. So I don't think that I should've gained weight from fat.

Anyways, I'm not trying to lose weight or anything; I was just happy with the weight I was at, and I'm afraid that I'm just gaining fat since I don't see how I could've gained muscle. Why does it sound like I'm gaining weight?