I just recently bought a 13.1 pony who is predominantly hunter/jumper. I'm 5'4" and 125...do you think I would be too much weight for her to jump 2'?
Her previous owner has told me that she's honest to the fences and has taken small kids over jumps. I lunged her the other day over a foot high jump to test her and she WAY over jumped. I don't know if she's been jumped too high and now she's traumatized...??? Anyway, I'm a beginner jumper and haven't jumped for about 4 years but I would love to try jumping her. Do you think I should do it? Or should I wait for a more experienced jumper to ride her...? I have such an itch to try but I'm terrified of hurting myself.

How could I practice her jumping skills on the ground? It seems when I lunge her in a circle over a jump she can't jump it straight on.

Thanks in advance!