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  1. #1
    Senior Member Jenna's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008

    best wedgie story gets 10 points !! ( mine included)?

    haha this is just for fun because I recently have had a bad wedgie experiance. Its not fair inless i tell you mine! I in high school and my undershirt was pulled up and i thought it was my shirt so I thought i was fine. well turns out everyone! could see my purple underpants.
    I am very embarrased about who sees me like this in my underpants or bra. Anyway this mean girl saw my and ( i was in the halls and everyone was already laughing cause they could see my underpants)
    she grabbed them and man she pulled so hard it hurt so BAD! I dont know if i was more embarresed or in pain!! And everyone laughed way harder!! Some took pics! I swear I was hanging there for like 7 min ( i am kinda little I mean i am normal height and pretty skinny so i am easy to lift up) then some girls helped her and normal stories they rip your underpants but in my story they ripped my pants in a hole. Of course the werent down so they pantsed my and i ran to the bathroom (also I didnt know i had a hole in my pants !!!)
    They got suspended but man most embarrising day of my life!!!

    yeah so beat that if you can!!

  2. #2
    Junior Member MARIANNEH's Avatar
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    Aug 2008
    this happened to a friend of mine at collage some boys was asking all the girls what under wear they was wearing my friend was getting bored with them so she went and asked them one bragged and the other went very quiet so she pushed him for an answer when he didn't she grabbed his trousers and lifted them up to give him a kind of wedgie and riped his trousers to revile he was not wearing anything so now we know why he would not say a word lol

  3. #3
    Junior Member myself:D's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    i would move if i were you . no joke

  4. #4

    wedgie party

    well i was at a party and i wasnt the most popular. I mean seriously! I was confused when the most popular football players invited me to there 3 night party. I was the nerd of the school...... well mentally, noone had ever phsically hurt me. nut i said yes and went to this party..... i wish i hadnt..... i was their chew toy, their fun thing to messs with.... FOR 3 WHOLE DAYS!!!!!! The kids parents were out of town and so they had nothing to worry about. AS SOON as my mom had dropped me off and gave me 3 kisses fro the 3 days i would be fone and left, all hell broke lose.
    I was tackled to the ground and at first i thougth it was just a joke. Not when they picked me up with the worst snears on their faces. The each grabbed a side op my underpants as i kicked and struggled but the quarter back had finished tieing my hands and feet together. One player had my front two others took a side and the strongest player........ TOOK THE BACK. And then they messed with me........ litteraly. They tickled me and poked me,, not giving me the wedgie yet. And then it came. Sadly, i was wearing very strong tidey whiteys..... so the whole time they didint rip! The swung me in the air by this wedgie nad then they all let go except fro the person holding the back.
    "Lets have some fun" he snickered as he lifted me up, almost over his head! and swung me. I screamed like a sissy and it hurt the most when they saw the leg holes of my undies. They untied my arms just to stick one each through the opposite leg hole and then they retied them. MY struggling was useless and everytime i struggled now i gave myself a wedgie which they found hysterical. AS they all left to go out and eat pizza they suck him on a hanger over the shower.
    "If you wiggle yourself loose, u'll fall into this" he snickered revealing that the tub was full of jelly, "And that would be one messy wedgie.
    So i didnt struggle..... and tehn they came back and took me down but only pulled on my undies up higher which made my arms hurt cause they were still in the leg holes. So when the undies were forced over my head they made me sleep in it where they all could watch/ it was embarassing as hell. They undid me the next day so i could est breakfast.... then they forced me to put a spedo on...... but i was confused..... and then they hung me off the roof and the spedo was so strong that it didnt rip..... but people started complaining so they took me down and hung me by his ceiling fan....... (rite about then i was wishing i weid more)
    and so i spun in a spedo wedgie........ and the wedgies got worse and worse and they FORCED ME to where a thong and get a wedgie, damn how can girls where those?

    And so i hung in my tidey whiteys forthe next day crying and getting pulled on..... and i never tole anyone for i would be the most embarrased kid on the planed...... and sadly... everyday at school they give me a wedgie and tell me that if i pick it out... they'll have another party
    ok andlast wedgie story, after their party, they wedgied me in front of my whole first period when the teacher left, it was a chair wedgie an i stayed like htat the whole class and everytime they win a game (which is always) i get a flagpole wedgie, yeah its possible to actually go up a flag pole
    so yeah my life sucks and is full of wedgies and id like to see anyone elses story BEAT THAT!

  5. #5

    "Wedgie party" is a fake story! haha, did u fall 4 it?

    he he, i was the person who wrote that..... and if you beleived it... YOUR A SUCKER!
    lol, i just took bits and peices from other peoples wedgie stories and combined them all into one. Man, if that really happened, id tell someone cause im pretty sure that would be sexual harrasment, lol
    i was hoping some1 would reply but they didnt...... so to anyone who reads that, it was just a joke. sorry, but i need a little fun in my life to ^_^

  6. #6



  7. #7
    since my dad doesnt approve of my boyfriend we always have to find ways to meet up, since he is one of the teachers son at the school we go to he can stay after until his dad leaves and i just stayed after to spend time with him. so we met up in the hallway and i was wearing epic pants and a thong so we started making out and he put his hands in my pants and he pulled up my thong giving, his dad (my S.S teacher) and my language arts teacher were walking by when we were making out with my thong sticking out with his hands there, my l.a teacher came up and smacked his arm (there cool teachers, and the l.a teacher is a family friend of his) and his dad was there laughing. it was awkward. haha

  8. #8
    Junior Member ohfashion36's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    this is just for fun because I recently have had a bad wedgie experiance,too
    Within you I lose myself, without you I find myself wanting to be lost again.

  9. #9

    Hanging wedgie

    I'm a 13 yer old boy and I love wedgies one tiime I gave myself a dangling wedgie and my toes were just reaching my box when suddenly the box tipped over. Well now I'm really panicking and as soon as I calm down someone opens the door. It was my 18 yr old sister... she asked me WTF I was doing and I said I got into some trouble. I begged her to get me down off the hook. She picked my underwear off the hook and threw me on the bed and spanked me hard with a paddle. My ass hurt so bad and after she finished spanking me she put my underwear back on the hook...

  10. #10

    Wedgie in Tenerife

    I was in tenerife this october in 2009. There is this guy from Sterling that I could open up to because we met before. Eventually one night we came back from las americas and the subject eventually came to school pranks including wedgies. Now this guy gets pissed off easily, so i said i could give him a wedgie. He didn't like that. so the next day we were in my garden and i locked him outside. by the way there is a glass wall. i let him back in, in about 1/2 an hour. He is much stronger than me. so he lifted up my shirt and grabbed my tighty whities and yanked them up, and hung them on and tree branch. he went inside to get some stuff then came back and had this like double hook. he attached it to the gate and to the front of my undies. my undies were way streched forward he was in front of me. he threw 3 eggs at me and all three hit my balls and cracked in my undies in the back he poured in shaving cream like a bottle and a few drops of coca cola. he then put in grass in both sides and took off the hook and hung the front on another tree branch so i'm dangling with my undies hung up in front and in the back then he took off my clothes except for my undies and kept squirting water from a super soaker at the front of my undies. not in them at them. He then locked me outside by the way i was wearing see through underwear like if you sweat it shows. also the walls were double glassed and see through. he gave my two choices to do. 1 - rip them and put on a pair of his. 2. stay up ther but if they rip stay naked outside. i choose 1. He made me shower and put on a pair of cartoon briefs of his from about when he was 10. I'm 13, he's 14 but skinny, so it was probably an 8 year olds. he did the whole proceeder again and had to choose number two . eventually he came and started hitting me in the balls and gave me a choice i let him keep hitting me or i piss and crap myself. the pain was too intense so i had to keep pissing and crapping myself. he went down stairs to speak to my parents. He told my parents i was ill and didn't want anyone except him going up there. he gagged me and left me up there this is about 6pm. his undies ripped at about 10pm so i was butt naked until he let me back in at midnight. then as soon as i got in he sat on my face and farted for about two hours, during this he put some underwear of his again on me and melvined me until my balls turned green. it never happened so he didn't stop farting or melvining until 2am when i heard my parents coming. he then let me go and said he would do this everyday but would do it 100x worse if i told so he tucked me into bed and went to his appartment. i never told. and by the way all you doubters, this is real. His name was Michael (dun dun dun dun dun!!!!!!!!!!!!)

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