What's your personal opinion?


New member
Feb 7, 2009
I feel so mistreated. Like, I'm 15 years old and Im not allowed to go anywhere with friends, or family. Not to the movies, restaurants, nothing. I make straight a's, & im in advanced classes, so what else can I do? I persuaded my mom to get my a cell phone for christmas, but now they just take it any time they feel is convenient. Like, my mom will say "You've had that phone on all day. Turn it off and give it to me" I feel like thats so unfair. I'm not allowed to go to anyone's house except my grandmothers. They say "You're only 15. You shouldnt be going anywhere." So do you think 15 year olds should be locked down until they're 16?
No that's completely unfair.

A teenager needs to start becoming exposed to the outdoor world. Tell your parents that you're 15 and stop over controlling you. My parents are like the same thing, but just not as much like your parents.

You being locked in like that will affect you one day. My boyfriend told me that my mentality is 4 years younger than my actual age. Like I act like I'm 4 years younger than my age and he thinks that one of the reasons is because how I can't really do anything like what a 16 year old girl can do. I don't think I act 4 years younger than my age, but I do think I act younger than what I'm suppose to be.

Don't let it happen to you.
nah.... thats ridiculous.

when parents overshadow their kids to much, that's how rebellious kids are created.

you just gotta talk to them, say they aren't giving legit reasons. dont go unprepared show them that you have thought about it, and that it is wrong.
it's okay. you should just make the best out of your life as it is. If you think it's unfair, then you wont be happy, but if you stay optimistic, then you can find the good in all of this. they are doing this for your sake. :)
you have to know that they love you.
No. Because of your age and your living under their roof, there isn't much you can do. The thing your parents don't understand, by keeping you under lock and key doesn't give you the chance to start experiencing life. A couple years from now you can get out on your own, but how are u gonna do that if you haven't been given the opportunity to get out and make mistakes and learn etc.. Alot of teens that are in the same situations start to act out. I know everyone is telling you to talk to them. I would tell you to write to them and let them read what u are feeling. You just have to be ready for their rebuttal.
Tell your mom your situation. Tell them that you are grateful that they've given you these privileges, but you've been having a few wishes as a 15yr old. Tell them how well you are doing at school also.
They are only trying to keep you well. But explain to them how they can keep you better-well :)