What has religion got to do with immigration?


New member
Feb 7, 2009
The BNP have become increasingly anti-Islam. They don't even like like mosques being built in Britain. My question is: what does a religion have to do with immigration? They are against immigration. OK, fine, that's their policy, I respect their right to say what they like about it. But shouldn't religion be a completely separate issue? In fact, why should it be an issue at all? And how can they describe a religion which is based on spirituality and devotion just like most other religions as wicked, based on the horrible actions of a minority of extremists.

If the BNP want to take a stance against something, by all means let them do so. But I just don't see the logic, or connection with their other policies.
Mr Sceptic gives a good answer there. And furthermore, when you look at what went on at the Finsbury mosque, the Muslim preachers were preaching hate against the west and it was even allowed to continue for a very long while. It gets personal against the British people when you see old Hookhand / Al Katada etc spouting their hatred against a society that actually looked after them very well. When we see that on our TV channels and in newspapers, it does tend to pour fuel onto the immigration fire. I'm sure that most Muslims are good people, but it only takes a minority to give them all a bad name, and the BNP and so forth will jump on that band wagon.
One third of British Muslim students say it's acceptable to kill for Islam

Nearly one third of Muslim students believe it can be acceptable to kill in the name of religion, according to a survey published yesterday.

It also found that 40 per cent want to see the introduction of Islamic sharia law in Britain, 40 per cent think it wrong for Muslim men and women to mix freely together, and 33 per cent want to see a worldwide Islamic government based on sharia law.


Given those startling facts Muslims need to stay in Muslim countries. Hopefully the world will wake up to that fact before it's too late. Killing seems to be a large part of their culture and religion.
religion has every thing to do with Immigration. especially when you have a small island and you are importing a particularly aggressive hate fuelled religion onto it by the hundreds of thousands every year. especially when that religion brings terrorist problems that cost billions in extra security, and cost the people their freedoms...IE: internet spying, cameras every where. hate fuelled idiots yelling threats to behead any one who doesn't follow their stone age Bullsh*t cult. and before you mention the civilised Muslims....its within their "civilised" areas that most of the trouble comes from....and you are forgetting something. this is a democracy.....we should have been consulted about such a huge destructive issue like the introduction of bloody Islam. we are a country who loves our animals. now we have to put up with the cruel and foul practise of Halal.....we waffle on about human rights while allowing these cave dwellers to force marriages on little girls as young as eight!!. where are our pedo laws on that? we have to allow Sharia law....what next, stoning in hyde park? yea! its laughable. so was the idea that they would achieve their own legal system laughable a year ago....now they have it. my friend Islam stands over your children's future like a vulture. if no one stands in their way they will completely dominate this country in as little as eight years.
Well i cannot speak for the BNP but speaking for myself ever since mass immigration from Islamic countries have come to Britain it has been nothing but a clash of cultures.And if you actually Understood any thing about Islam it is a way of life which encompasses politics.
As a Nationalist i find it rather annoying to see Muslim no go areas hate preachers in our very own streets.Having Muslims rioting and threating even the house of Lords.All i see is Muslims telling us the only way is integration with them not integration with us.
Personally i could not careless what your skin colour is or your religion but if you live in Britain start abiding by the rules stop keep take take take and either support the rest of your nation or fcuk off because eventually it will come to those who will deal with it.
Immigrants that lack the "protestant work ethic" become a burden on your social system. It seems logical to want to only let in people who will work hard, pay taxes, and not milk the system. I wish they would implement it in the US!
England is meant to be a Christianity following country, the BNP personally i think are pointless, and prejudice

yes there are people who milk it but they end up being found out and sent back fined or put in jail.
The Islamic religion and its denominations do not focus solely on the Spiritual. They will tell you that Islam enters into every aspect of the Followers lives. For example -- They have Islamic laws on Banking and interest....On how to Dress or not to dress...Laws that exclude women but not men in everyday living. ...Islamic dietary laws ....Islamic teachings of separateness from everyone who is not a moslem by believing that he is an Infidel.and unworthy of a GODS paradise. Wherever that may be. .... Even the punishment prescribed for Breaching these laws . Trying to force people who are non-moslems to accept these archaic laws is the final proof that it permeates the life of ordinary people who have faith in other ways of fulfilling themselves.There are many who have shown that their Culture is not COMPATIBLE with the CULTURE and Beliefs of their Hosts. As a consequence ,it leads to trouble .
Islam is probably the greatest problem this country has ever had to face. It's a barbaric religion which is totally at odds with everything that is British. The fact that muslims want to take over and turn this country into a muslim state is also extremely alarming.
Just look at how much good they have done for any country they have infested.

And when was the last time you heard a "so called" moderate Muslim condemn the acts of that "so called" minority of extremists.

They are either sympathetic, or cowards, or both.