How far can a scream be heard?


New member
May 25, 2008
Is it possible to hear a temper tantrum over a block away or possibly even a mile away?
depends how loud.
probably a block away if the child is really loud but I doubt a mile.
Maybe a block if the windows are down and the kid is screaming very loud. A mile - no.
Problem is if a kid is throwing a temper tantrum this loud - then discipline is really needed.
I don't think it is possible....even with a really loud child! But I can't say for sure!
I guess it depends on the loudness of it, and also if there's wind I think it would help carry the sound in that direction.
Also, if it is really quiet around (in a valley) I suppose it would be more likely that it would be heard, but if it is in a crowded city with buildings blocking the sound waves and plenty of other sounds around, I guess it would be harder for the scream to be heard.
I doubt it.

I live in a townhouse and my neighbor has a young daughter. I hear them once in a while when she's acting up or won't get out of bed in the morning but that's only because her room and my room share a wall.

Now, if you were outside in the middle of nowhere and a child was screaming you might possibly be able to hear them over a block away but not a mile.