:( Basically, I'm sick of my life?


New member
Jan 31, 2009
I'm 15 and I feel as if my Mum, Dad and Brother aren't a proper family. I hardly ever speak to my parents and they're always working. I talk to my Dad a few times a day, and my Mum only a couple. To make matters worse, they go out and get completely drunk every weekend. Most of the time it's a Friday AND a Saturday, sometimes even on the Sunday too.

I'm just sick of behaving. Most of my other friends go out every weekend and get drunk, some even smoke. But I don't. I never drink and I wouldn't ever turn to smoking. I hardly ever go out with my friends either, I can just never be bothered. I'm getting kinda sick of looking after my Mum and Dad when they come in drunk, falling over and such. We NEVER sit down to meals (I don't think we ever have), we never watch films together, we don't even go out anywhere. I get really good grades at school, but when I tell them they never know what I'm talking about and don't understand.

I see my Brother a lot but we're fighting a lot of the time. He goes out with his friends on a weekend too, so I'm always in the house on my own. My Mum and Dad are never interested in how I'm doing at School. They know none of my teachers, none of my results, they don't even know what year/grade I'm in. I just feel as if I'm on my own all of the time, I talk to my other friends about it and they always talk about how they've got to get home quick because their Mum or Dad is making their tea. And to be honest, I just feel as if their life is perfect. I have to cook for myself and even when I make meals at school for my Food Technology GCSE, they never try them and I just have to eat them myself. I have to make-up stuff to put in my coursework about what my family thought about the food I made.

This probably sounds like I'm feeling sorry for myself, but I'm not. I just hate how my life is, other people seem to have perfect lives and I'm stuck in this independent life of my own. Is anyone else in the same situation, and does anyone have any advice?
Believe it or not this is going to make you a strong independent woman someday....my advice to you is to try to sit down and tell them how you feel....honesty is always the best. If you don't think they will listen, email them or print this out and leave it somewhere they will find it. I bet your parents love you they just don't know how to show it. Good luck!! You sound like an amazing girl and I would be honored to have a daughter like you. Don't let others control how you feel about your self...that's giving them WAY to much power...you need to control your own destiny!! My mom was a drunk slut growing up and I am now an amazing mom because of it...I know what NOT to do!!
I'm sorry you're struggling so much... i agree, your parents are being neglectful and irresponsible... it has to hurt you.

do you have good friends who you can spend time with? If so, maybe get together with them. Can you join a swimming group or take some sort of class to occupy your time (such as karate or art?).

It's a shame we can't change your parents.. i sure would like to help. I am thinking that, if you can find constructive things to do a couple times a week, and in a group setting, you might feel at least somewhat more fulfilled.

don't take care of your parents when they come home drunk... they manged to get themselves into that condition, let them fumble around on their own. no need to enable them! i mean it.

you can also let them know how you feel about their drinking and that you feel alone and neglected. maybe they need to hear it sometime?

I hope you get some good answers here... and that things improve for you. xo
It's sad really when parents do not provide an emotionally secure environment for their children. Now you will have to be an adult with poor role models. And sorry to say, but you will probably not want to be there for them as they age and need you more. My advice to you is to sit down and write a letter to your parents telling them exactly what you are going through. If this doesn't help, then just focus on preparing yourself for your future because you will be an adult in the real world soon and you will show them that you can have a life with or without them. But really I hope the letter will wake them up.
ok, first of all, DONT GIVE UP, just cuz life sux right now doesnt mean it'll always be like that. i think the best thing right now would be a good friend. freinds help out where family lacks. of you wish NOT to get into drugs and getting drunk (good for you!!) then make freinds that feel the same way.

i highly reccomend a youth group or something, not to try to convert you or anything, itll just get you out of the house and help you meet people who will care about you and help you! youth groups are usually filled with people who are totally friendly and will help out! they care about everyone, they act like family! just try it, it wont hurt.

anyways, just dont give up, things will get better, i know it. just try, dont give up!
Its okay. It's tough... being on your own. But keep those grades up and become a somebody! In the future, all this work WILL pay off. I promise you.
And your friends.... talk with them about your situation. They should listen. If you need to get away, I'm sure they are there. If the matters go worse, call child services.
Don't end your life, so many things you haven't done...so many...