What should i do? i don't like it?


New member
Feb 7, 2009
In my family, I have an older sister who is 23 and an older brother who is 19. My sister is mentally challenged and my bro is in college so it's me, my sister, and my parents at home most of the time.
My problem is that my sister doesn't like me. She cusses at me for no reason. When she gets in trouble, she gets mad at me(even if I'm not in the same room when she gets in trouble). If we are at dinner and she's sitting across from me and my parents get mad at her for doing something, she kicks me. Then she gets in trouble and just cusses at me more. My parents hear her cuss at me but won't tell her to stop. I hate it. I hate it so much that I have tried to hurt myself just so I can be away from her. I've joined a club at school that goes until 5 o'clock everyday just so I don't have to come home and be cussed at. I also am in dance and Girl Scouts. I want to spend as little time as possible at home because of her getting mad at me. I can't wait for college, but that's 3 years away.

What can I do now? My parents won't listen to me. And if I say something back to her she'll just cuss at me more. I hate my life at home, but love is when I'm not home. I want to be able to want to come home and relax, but for now, I can't do that.

If you can help in anyway, please give me your advice.
ask your parents if you can go to a boarding school. Changing schools sounds scary but if you really are that miserable I'll advice you to move out