i need a killer yo mama joke?


Jun 4, 2008
my friends are lately always challenging on yo mama jokes. and i am usually the 1 that sucks at it very much. Yes i am the nice guy.so anyways i need something that's more then a sentence, the longest yo mama joke u can make. thank u
yo mamas so fat when she stood on a scale it said "to be continued"
yo mamas so stupid she brought a spoon to the super bowl
yo mamas so stupid when someone stabbed her she said "stop poking me"
go on the site bestyomamajokes.com and you will find your answer
yo mamas so stupid when she got hit by a car she said "who threw that rock at me?!"
yo mamas so getto when she brought a color tv she asked "what color?"
Yo mama's so fat I took a picture of her last Christmas... And it's still printing <--KILLER
im funsta bake and i got lots more

yo mama's like a hockey team she changes pads evry three periods

yo mama so nasty she mad right gaurd turn left

yo mama so stupid i put a scratch and sniff sticker at the bottom of a pool and she drowned

yo mama so fat i ran around her and got lost

yo mama is like a resse cup theres no wrong way 2 eat her

yo mama so po she cant afford the last 2 letters

yo mama so fat her boold type is ragu

yo mama so fat she tried 2 put food on layaway

yo mama so fat she sat on a side walk and turned it into a drive way
yo mamma is like a bowling alley she get fingerd and gets tossed down the alley and still comes back for more.
yo dad took ur mama to a zoo and one of the monkeys said to ur mum how did u get the keys to get out of here.
yo mama is like tescos open 24 hours a day.................ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BOYED.:emot1:
yo mama is so fat when she gets on an elevator she HAS to go down/ yo mama is so fat that she goes to the theatre sits next to everybody/ yo mama is so fat when your dad said it was chilly outside she grabbed a spoon/ yo mama is so fat she picks her teeth with the olsen twins
yo mama so fat when she walked past the TV i missed 3 episodes