Is female sexuality more fluid than male sexuality?


Jun 10, 2008
Or is it little more than social condition that makes it seem that way to me?

I know far more women who would be happy to kiss another woman, or even to have sex with one, than I know men who'd kiss another man. And most of the men that I know who would do it aren't that keen on kissing women. Does this mean that more women are somewhat bi-sexual than men, or are they just less inhibited? Or is the whole thing merely social conditioning?

Thanks for your thoughts!
Gwennie B: Thanks for the book recommendation - I will look that one up.
Um, it is more fluid, but it could have been that way by conditioning. So that "or" bit doesn't really make sense. There are quite a few societies where women don't kiss other women, and there are societies where men kiss men (like in Argentina when I went there). So social conditioning does have a lot to do with how we socialize with others.