Best mp3 player? Which is better...sandisk or phillips?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Which is better: SanDisk Sansa 8GB Fuze MP3 Video Player or...Philips GoGear 8GB MP3 Video Player.
Rgiht now, I have a 1GB Phillips GoGear and whenever I try to put new songs on it, either it won't let me put songs on, it won't put all the songs on or it will delete some of the old songs that I already had on there.
So i'm not sure which one I should go with.
8GB sansa fuze, I have one and it is awesome, you just drag and drop your music to the player. It also has great sound quality, I highly recommend it.
i have both a 1gb go gear and a 8gb the 1gb does that because its low on space and i would suggest 8gb gogear its a beast its the best the functions are awsome!!!!!!!!