Missions trip in August?


May 22, 2008
My Fiancé and I were thinking it would be fun to go on a missions trip for the second part of our honeymoon. Obviously, the first couple days we will want to be with each other (cus we haven't yet) so I was thinking, if we helped somewhere in the US we could spend the first couple days driving there and then help with whatever it is. Is there a website or something that lists events like that? I understand that this might be something that isn't decided until right before. Especially if it's a disaster relief type of thing. It would be fun to go out of the country since neither of us ever have. Any suggestions would help. :)
I'm 24 and he'll be 25 when we get married.
That's an awesome idea! May God bless you and your marriage.

May I suggest you go to your Church and ask the pastor if he knows any missionaries in need of helping hands. My church keeps in touch with missionaries and knows what's going on. Perhaps your Church does too.

Just out of curiosity how old are you and fiance? I ask this cause I want to sort of poll and see how old people are when they do missions.