Nostradamus and 2012?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
can anyone tell me exactly what he said or give me a link to nostradamus's prophecy about 2012. i hear people saying he has predicted it, but can't find what exactly he said
you spelled i ching right. i googled it. it is super confusing! lol
Youtube: "Lost book of Nostradamus"

He claims that great destruction will occur due to a man named Mabus.

So keep an eye on this fellow:

He also predicts great destruction from the LHC in his prophecy century 9 quatrain 44
He had predictions that have come true however many thought that he had lost his mind and that he was influenced by demons. His theory is that the world would end in 2012. The Bible states "no man knows the day of the hour" I tend to take the Bible at its word.
Such a prophecy does not exist. The kook Nostradamus never mentioned 2012.

You're thinking of the Mayans. They never predicted that the world would end, they just ended their calendar about a thousand years after they created it. That's all.
Yeah, but actually the dates do fortell some kind of crazy big apocalypse - Mayan in 2012, Aztec in 2011, interestingly. But in any case, the dates are actually based upon some sort of astronomical event - something will happen, but not necessarily an apocalypse