How do I get my 3y old to eat healthier?


New member
Nov 23, 2008
I saw a person on Rachel Ray (or some show like that) that wrote a cookbook on how to hide vegetables and other foods that kids don't usually like to eat in the food that they do like to eat. The kid wouldn't even know it was there, but they would still get the nutrients and all that from it.

The book's called "Deceptively Delicious: Simple Secrets to Get Your Kids Eating Good Food". Check for it.
I want to make sure my son gets a healthy diet but he will not eat the veggies I make him. He eats some fruit but I know he needs more I just don't know what kind if food to give him "any fun meal suggestion"
Hide veggies in his dinners. i.e put some chopped carrots in the meatloaf.
Buy organic macaroni by Annies
This has great tips!
I had this problem for a while, and he will go through stages where he will like them again and then not. Here are my methods:

1.) I would only give him his veggies at dinner and tell him that he couldn't have his meat (which is all he ever wanted) until he ate half of his veggies

2.) I puree mixed veggies and add it to my food it is great for things like meat loaf, spaghetti, stuffed chicken, even pizza (sauce) he eats it up and has no idea.

3.) Harvest sup rise Juicy juice has lots of veggies.

4.) Sweet Potato fries, Apple fries, Pear fries...any veggie fries. Cut them like fries, call them fries...I even give him sauce for dipping that looks like catchup....I use cool whip and red food coloring.

5.) Make Veggie Kabobs, cut your veggies and let him put them on tooth picks, he will want to eat them cause he made them!

6.) "Candy Sprinkles" I bought some fun salt shakers and put a little salt and pepper and when he really refused I let him put "candy sprinkles" on them. Seriously he would laugh and clap so hard...

7.) Ranch is always a great back up
I forgot I'm sorry. Oh I know! You can give him some celery with PB inside. It's really good!
Yes! Hide those veggies! Dice up the nights veggie hid into small burritos or scrambled eggs. Put veggies into small bowls of soup that he usually will eat. Its about coloring foods, naming foods and hiding foods within foods. Grape jelly on carrot coins mashed up. Any dip they like smother diced bits of veggie, and offer things to dip in it that they like. I had one who did nto like veggies at all. I was able to hide enough foods that I felt his diet was doing pretty well. I used milder and smooshable veggies like peas and spinach, carrots and beets.

Put mixed vegetables in his rice
Put fruit in his cereal
Try ranch salad dressing to dip carrots celery whatever
Tell him this is what he is getting
Feed it often so he realizes he has to start eating it
your his mother make him eat them weather he likes it or not. If you cant get him to eat veggies how are you gonna get him to do chores. Pedisure.
the only way I can tell you how to make sure your son eats healthy is remember your the mother and he is the kid, increase his fruit intake and decrease the bad foods, (junk food) I feel the child only eats what the parents give them. i know it is hard to get your children to eat healthy I have a 48 year old child (husband) who is suppose to be on a special, no salt,carbs,and sugar diet. I can say he acts like a child at times, but in the end I win cuz if your really hungray you'll eat what is in front of you and you won't waste a single bite.I feel more like his mother than his wife, so I'll be just like mommy if that is the way he wants it.He will eat what I give him.

hope these help! I work at a daycare, so I have the experience to say these are legit.
Only serve healthy foods, eventually he will get hungry and he will eat it. Or just simply make him, you are his mother.

I have an 11 month old, 2 yr old, 3 yr old and 5 yr old. I cook a lot of different vegetables every night and am happy to compromise with my 2 and 3 yr old who arent particularly keen on veges eg: "if you eat all your other veges you dont have to have cabbage"
Make a color-themed meal, especially if his favorite color is a color like green or yellow. (For example, yellow could be corn, homemade mac & cheese, some rices, etc.) I suppose you could dye food blue, but that's up to you. You could do counting games, like eat 1 piece of chicken then, 2 string beans, then 3 of something, then 4 of something. Let him "help" cook, too. Kids that age like to be independent (as I'm sure you know), so he will probably feel a sense of pride in his work and be more willing to eat something he cooked for himself. Use a plate with a picture on the bottom so he has to eat it all to see what the picture is. Also, make sure you put on his plate only the amount he is going to eat so he doesn't feel overwhelmed. Don't do all of this at once, though. You don't want to overstimulate him. Also, why exhaust all your games at once?

I do know that kids' taste buds are more tailored to sweet things than ours, so you're on the right track by feeding him fruits. Try sweet vegetables (they tend to be starchy like fruits, though). Also, try raw vegetables, like carrots. When I was little, I used to eat frozen vegetables without heating them. I just poured vegetables from a bag in the freezer into a bowl and ate them. That's perfectly healthy, and maybe because it's cold you can trick him into thinking it's a treat.

One thing I do with kids is if they won't eat something then I say "How old are you?" The kid replies, "Three." So then they must eat that many bites of whatever it is before they can leave the table. It works.

Also, for a more "tough love" way (which is only tough love in today's cushy society - it used to be totally normal), feed him only healthy food and get rid of all the junk food in the house. My parents always made me eat what was in front of me, so try that tactic. He'll realize that that's all he's getting and if he doesn't eat it he'll go hungry, and he definitely won't want to go hungry.