i want a cell phone but my parents always say no?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
i told them the same old reason in case of an emergency and then they say here in chicago literally there is always a phone booth are there any other ways
ok i don't have a telephone line and my friends always ask me for my number

aka:i don't fell comfterbal telling them or if i did have one i wouldnt even tell them
How old are you?

Good things for cell phones:

1. Emergencies, what if you don't have any money?
2. Your home line won't be tied up
3. You can text on the cell phone (if you get texting) and could easily text them or your friends in school.
I got my child one ( Alltel Family Plan ) for emergencies..you might be in danger and cant get to a phone booth ( and I live in a so called "safe" rural area..
in times like these it just makes sense to have one..
just follow the plans you set up with parents..no use of daytime minutes unless it is to call a parent or grandparent.the free texts can be used anytime - but not at school, and the unlimited nights and weekends I allow her to talk as long as she wants due to the fact the minutes are free..

use what I have said to write down a decent discussion on the pros and be willing to stick to when you can use all the minutes, ect. without wasting money on the daytime minutes included in plan..let your parents use the daytime minutes , unless you need to call them or are in trouble and need help ( cheaper than a "Land Line or Home Phone" and convenient for or just incase you are out and need contact in a bad situation )
?¤·? You want one, get a job and pay for it yourself. Show some responsibility. ?¤·?
maybe you need more of a reason for then can you not make up a list of things and ways it is needed other then that? like maybe at lest then they would always be able to get in touch with you no matter where you are!

Good Luck
With today's economy, maybe they just can't afford to get you one right now. Or, you can suggest a prepay with you using your allowance to keep it operating.