Who is using the "Politics of Fear" now?


New member
Feb 6, 2009
"This recession might linger for years. Our economy will lose 5 million more jobs. Unemployment will approach double digits. Our nation will sink deeper into a crisis that, at some point, we may not be able to reverse," Obama wrote in the newspaper piece titled, "The Action Americans Need."
All this to get this "stimulus" bill passed in a hurry. I believe that he knows that the more people look at this flawed piece of legislation, the less they would support it. Do you think there is too much pork in this bill? Do you see imminent doom if it is not passed?
Both parties do it. Bush used 9/11 to grow the police state, and Obama is using the economic crisis to advance the socialist's agenda.
Well he accomplished what he wanted. I am now more afraid of him, his congress, his senate and his cabinet than I was before I voted against him.
after reading these answers, it appears to me that many of you are Obama haters running around like chickens with your heads wrung off screaming the sky is falling and not accepting the fact that the Bush years left the economy in a total clusterf*ck and now that Obama is trying to do something about it you want to wring your hands and call him a liar about the undisputable facts, LOL, youre funny.....
It's a fact. The economy is in serious trouble. This isn't fear mongering, it's reality.

Obama may be approaching the problem in the wrong way, but at least he acknowledges the problem and is trying to do something about it.
The dems stock and trade since the first depression, scare the crap outta the old folks then 'rescue' them with ever bigger more invasive govt.
Also most commonly employed by socialists like 0, demonize evil capitalism until the koolaid drinkers openly want the first steps to communism or one world government.


No and No.

I believe we will pull things together one way or another. The exact ways and means are still yet to be seen as this problem will take several different approaches.

One thing I am confident in is that the business as usual with large corporations, banks and investment houses will no longer be the usual.

One thing that I see in this plan is that it should help stimulate a local sense of purpose in our communities that will help bring up morale.

Depressions can be pretty depressing.
The fear set in when the Bush administration said that we had to give 700 billion taxpayer dollars to the financial institutions or our financial system would collapse. That was not Obama's doing. The stimulus bill is needed to address our economic meltdown. That is not a manufactured fear. That is real.
Look, folks bought the tripe Obama spewed during the campaign. He is riding that wave, hanging crepe if you don't immediately pass his bill.
Same crap, different day.
I would rather hear truth, than lies. If something isn't done soon it's not going to be pretty.
By the way did you hear Cheney yesterday? Still trying to scare the crap out of everyone.
I think it is going to get real bad before it get better and at this point i really don't care about the pork in the bill.. we can't sit and wait .. there have to be some steps and measure has to be taken..

We have lived with fear mongering last 8 years and we perfectly know what is that and this is a real threat and it has to be taken care of
Obama is---In perpetuating the Sham "war on terror" profit bushwars,

AND telling us the TRUTH brazenly when the criminals in charge screwed up our nation's economy, ditched the sinking ship like the rats they are, and they're not coming back.


I heard Palosi say several times in an interview that there will be 500 MILLION jobs lost every month. That's what she said. Of course we all know she is dumber than a mud fence.
all politicians use fear to their advantage...

I see imminent doom either way, he even said himself this is not a long term solution. so if they can't think of one (long term solution) soon they are just wasting money to delay the inevitable