Do those Bluetooth Headsets for phones drive you crazy?


New member
Sep 12, 2008
I travel a lot for work and it gets to the point that I almost feel like walking up and removing them from some people's head when I am sitting at a airport. It just seems that people talk twice as loud and pace constantly in front of your with these. I do not know if they talk so loud because they have a crappy headset and think that they need to or because they feel some need to demonstrate that they have a bluetooth.
yeah they really do, for one if you don't know someone has one and they are by you you think that they are talking to you and if not you see them and they look kind of retarded. i think its just being lazy!
Oh I want to walk up to these people and smash them over the head not only do they talk extra loud but they also kind of turn their head a little wherever they go so you can see their ear piece cause it makes them feel like important businessmen. LOSERS
Yeah, I get really pissed off, ecspcially on the Tram. Urgh, annoying. They actually do talk louder, all of them, not just on their bluetooth, but with headphones in too, it's sooooooo annoying! So I just stick my iPod up helps drown them out. =D
Ecspeically when the train ride from Kensington (Olympia) to Ewell West is sooo long. [Kensington is where I live, atm, cause I'm {thinking of} going Uni there & West Ewell, why the hell do they call the station Ewell West??, is wher I lived uring High School, It's in Surrey. Meh...]

Yes Bluetooth Headses annoy me, even though I use mine from time to time.

yes! teachers at my school have them and use them during school and i would be walking through the halls, and one would be talking and i would think that they are talking to me! man they really suck!
I really don't like them. I see people walking around all the time and almost think they're crazy because they look like they're talking to themselves. I also hate when i'm working and someone is standing infront of me, looking me in the eyes, and starts talking. Of course i think they're talking to me so i ask what in the world they're talking about. Then they give me a weird look and say "Oh, i'm on the phone." I can understand using them while you're driving, but why be lazy when you're just standing around?
well it looks funny. when you see people walking and at first it looks like there talking to themselves but you see they have a headset