Approximately how much does MMA training cost....and is it worth it?


New member
Jul 5, 2008
I'm not a very big guy (5'9", 145 lbs) and I'm considering getting MMA (mixed martial arts) training. My question is: is it expensive, and worth it? Will I come out being able to handle myself against enemies?
lmao people are so misinformed. I go to extreme couture in vegas and it cost 120/mo. If you want private lessons you can get Jay Heron for about 150/hr he's always there. Randy is 500/hr for privates which Ive never actually seen him give one.

Private lessons are pretty useless stick with the group calsses. Training for MMA is fun but a waste if you are not going into it professionally. The money is horrible compared to pretty much any other prefessional sport. You can get in better shape doing crossfit and not get the injuries.

good luck
Most MMA camps will charge anywhere from $120 to $250 per month. They often have different programs at different prices.

And yes, it is worth it.

After say one year of dedicated training (four days a week) and a maybe an amatuer competition an untrained man your size won't stand much of a chance.

After three years and a few fights, larger men will have a pretty big problem, too. MMA is really effective.
well the gym that i train at is around 50 to 60/mo and is an awesome gym you should look into cheaper gyms. heres a good phrase a little goes a long ways