Is this too big for me!??! BIKE?


May 17, 2008
Okay so I really want this bike because I need a new one and I think its really cute. Problem is, I don't know if its too big?

I'm 4' 9"

heres the bike

i guess its 20"

Help Plz!
And also. This bike is not in any of the stores around here.... We have A LOT. but not a bike store... atleast not 1 with that bike.
No, i think its a perfect size. If its a bit too tall, adjust the seating. Also maybe you should try it at the store just to be sure. And it is a pretty nice bike so i think you should get it :)
well first u need to get ur lazy as up and go to the shop and actually sit on it,and juding by the pic of it it looks to small
You need to know the frame size, not the tire size. An ill-fitting bike can actually cause you physical pain. If the saddle is too low you can hurt your knees, too high, your hips. You need to know how long you inseam is.And then buy a bike that has a frame size maybe two inches smaller. When you ride the bike your leg should be just slightly bent at the 6 o'clock down stroke.Buying a bike isn't guess work.Or you may end up with a bike you can't ride.