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  1. #1
    Junior Member KhenanY's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    My grandparents hate me because I'm not full blooded Asian but half Jamaican, they...

    ...called me a mutt!? I haven't seen nor spoken to my grandparents since I was 8 (that's 7 yrs) but a couple days ago they suddenly showed up at our front door with 5 suitcases and gave us this lame ass story bout how my grandfather had a 'business meeting' to attend to in the u.s. so they would be staying in our apartment for a few weeks. My mother and her father don't get along, it's a long story but he kicked her out when she was 18 and pregnant with me. It had nothing to do with the fact that she was 18/pregnant/unemployed/un wed but the fact that my father wasn't Asian. I have two twin sisters (one lives with my father) and my grandparents love them because they look 'Asian' they could pass easily for full blooded Asians while me on the other hand......couldn't pass for anything other then black. Ever since they got here they have been praising my little sister, bragging about her 'perfect' grades, her 'perfect' smile, her 'perfect' hair, her 'perfect' friends, her 'perfect' attitude, her 'perfect' religious beliefs. They have been treating her like a goddess, they even bought her a $300 ipod and a $60 pair of shoes. I don't get great grades but I try my hardest for what grades I do get, my sister doesn't even have to try. She get's good grades anyway. Everyone spoils her, I know life's not fair but I should at least a "you did a good job" or something! They hardly even said hi to me! After not seeing your grandson for 7 yrs I think the least they could have done is say hi to me. They act like I'm not even here and when they do say something to me it's always negative. Yesterday my grandfather called me a mutt and told my mother I looked like my father (normally I would take that as a complement but not the way he said it....) he basically said my face was ugly because I was black. I was right next to him when he said it! The least he could do is say it behind my back rather then to my face. I don't want them here, they should go back to were ever they came from! The last few days have been hell, it's been an all out war between me, my mother and my grandparents. I can't wear the clothes I usually wear because they say it doesn't look 'proper' they threw away all my rasta books and I'm now I'm being forced to go to church with them. I don't understand how they can think it's okay to barge into someones home force them to change their beliefs for no reason other then they don't believe in it themselves. My mother has done NOTHING to help this situation! She can't even stand up to them, I'm starting to hate her as much as I hate them. She lets them cut me down all day, she doesn't even correct them when they say something rude. She ignores it like she didn't hear it. I can't stand it, I never cry NEVER! But in the last 3 days I've broken down 5 times crying. To make everything worse, today my mother announced that we're gonna be moving for the second time this yr because of my sisters school 'situation'. First we moved from oakland, ca to were we're living now. I loved it in ca, all my friends were there and it's were I grew up! I lost all my friends when we moved, I'm just starting to fit in here. I can't handle going to another school in another state and having to try to fit in all over again ( I don't know what to do anymore!

    Is there anything I can do to make them like me? (my grandparents and the kids at my new school) I need advice!

  2. #2

    Atom Reply.

    Hey man. I know how you feel. Funny thing is I'm half Asian and half black. My grandparents hate me.They did the same thing to my mom. They kicked her out when she was pregnant. They have told my mom in front of me (and my brother) that we were worthless, lying, uninitiated, lazy, and that we were "criminals". I've never done anything or lied to them. I try so hard to make them see me differently. I have excellent grades and I pass all my tests, trying to make them acknowledge me and like me. They don't. My grandpa always goes through my room trying to find a reason to get angry and yell at me.

    I know exactly how you feel. I don't know if you have any close friends that you can talk and hang out with. But what I do is I either hang out with my brother, or just arrange and hang out with my friends. But if you can't, try talking to your mom, tell her that you feel she isn't doing her job as your mother by not standing up to you. It's your apartment right? Your mom is in control. Not them. If you can't tell her how you truly feel about the matter, she can't really do anything. Sorry if I haven't been much help.

  3. #3
    My bad. Standing up for you.*

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