Which phone is better, an LG Voyager or a Motorola Razr?


Jul 18, 2008
I know pretty obvious answer, but my friend is getting a new phone. She has the LG Voyager right now (same as me), and she wants to get the razr! I think she's crazy for downgrading, but whatever if she likes it, she likes it. I just want to take a poll of how many think which phone is better!
Definitely the Voyager. No flaws in my point of view. RAZRS started out good but over the period of time got bad, very bad.
Voyager..i have it and it is GREAT! It has way more features than a Razr and a full keyboard! (You probably already know that lol) but I bet she likes to text, every girl does, the keyboard will be great for her, if she wants something a little smaller talk to her about the env2 (it also has a full keyboard but isn't touch screen)! My opinion would be to get the voyager.
Its all preference. If she doesn't like touch or qwerty then she should get the razr. I think the new moto 755 is a better pick if she likes the razr.