I Don't Know How To Ride A Bike? ?


New member
Jan 28, 2009
I don't know how to ride a bike, and I'm at a certain age where I should!! It's embarrassing when people ask me about biking and stuff.... Then I have admit that I don't know how to!! It's embarrassing! Someone... Help..? :)
Well, if you really don't know how to ride a bike, then I would suggest training wheels. they help you keep yourself balanced while you get the basics down (pedaling, steering, etc..). Also, depending on how old you are, it might be best to take this up with your parents. They are really the best teachers for this.
I feel that the best way to learn to ride a bike involves a few steps.
1) When you purchase or borrow a bike, make sure that it is the right size. Make sure your feet can touch the ground, this is especially important because as you are learning you can always stop yourself easily.
2) I always remember that riding on a slight up-hill slant was the easiest. This method works the best because YOU are powering the bike, not the hill, when you are going down hill it is easy to pick up too much speed and lose control.
3) The final step is to just practice, it is often harder to learn when someone else is teaching you because you are learning it there way which may not be suited for you. Although it can also be good because they can pick up simple mistakes and give small suggestions.

Once you get better you can practice in a big parking lot by setting up cones to turn through or just find other obstacles around the neighborhood, I hope I helped you out.~~Thanks
borrow a bike........get a close friend to teach you so you don't feel embarrassed then have them teach you.....
do it at night maybe if its that bad....you will learn and have fun doing it too : ) good luck
borrow a bike........get a close friend to teach you so you don't feel embarrassed then have them teach you.....
do it at night maybe if its that bad....you will learn and have fun doing it too : ) good luck