What are the most ridiculous rumors you have heard about Barack Obama?


New member
Jan 20, 2009
People are saying the most ridiculous stories about Barack Obama! There is no possible way that they could be true, but they are so funny to read because they are so untrue! Not counting the ones about him being muslim, because although those are untrue, I can see why someone would think that, judging by his name.
Here are some ones I heard:
- Barack Obama is having an affair with Oprah
- Barack Obama is a socialist
- Barack Obaama was pretending to be poor for sympathy, but because he went to harvard law he was actually rich ( SO NOT TRUE! I actually heard this from a girl at school, but she apparently has never heard of financial aid)
I also heard he is the antichrist
The most ridiculous rumors that I've heard is that he's a muslim, a terrorist, and the antichrist.
The most ridiculous is the fantasy that he isn't anti-gun.

he said he isn't going to try and take my guns yeah right . Look at his record.
hahhaa those rumors made me laugh, the most ridiculous must be, "he is a muslim".
Even if that was true, who cares? the religion won't make him worse or better president.
You listed a rumor that is actually not a rumor but actually partially true- Obama's policies do border on socialism and that is a fact for anyone that has studied economics.

The greatest rumor is that he is a God- oh wait that's true too, he can do no wrong in the eyes of his supporters
I don't know about the other things, but he is definitely a socialist. Nice try to confuse fact with rumor. Oh, and he does think it's OK to have an ex-terrorist socialist as a friend. (Ayers) And he did (does?) go to a racist church for twenty years until it became a political liability. God help the USA over the next four years.
Who needs rumors? You people made fun of Bush and the crap said about him was clearly untrue. /I hate Obama. I will not give him a chance because I simply do not agree with him. He is a hibitual liar and it's sad Americans elected him.
That right after being sworn in, he was going to beat the crap out of W, and then pardon himself.
Heard this ridiculous rumor recently: He has ties with some well known Gang in Prison! hahaha............what a crock! And the idiot who said this at work really believes it! Yeah............can you actually picture Obama using gang signs? Or controlling some Gang in prison? Give me a freaking break.
That he will make a great President.
I also heard one lady interviewed who stated Obama was "gonna Fix Her Financing"

Whats hilarious is in 4 years the people that are down and out and live in ghetto neighborhoods will be in the exact same position on society's ladder as they are today.
I think the most ridiculous rumor is that he is the answer to all of our problems..talk about crazy thinking...
Check your facts Obama IS a socialist...

The funniest rumors I have heard is that He's the 2nd coming, that He's bringing positive change to America and that he actually cares about Americans....all so funny I forgot to laugh!
That he was actually elected President of the United States.

What??? That actually happened??? It wasn't a nightmare???

Not a US citizen, an alien, a terrorist, a muslim who only eats pork and attends Christian churches to pretend otherwise.
Most allegations were so stupid, not worth responding. But then Obama haters will believe anything, absolutely anything.
The most ridiculous one to me is the claim that he's muslim, usually coming from the same people who say he attended a Christian church for over 20 years and the pastor was a radical.
He is the antichrist? lmao I've heard that he is not from the US. That he was not born in the US at all. Really?!. Did he Caucasian mom have him in Kenya?!? lmao yeah right.