Why're birds attacking aircraft? First an airliner, then they did a...


New member
Dec 18, 2008
...rescue chopper. Is it the end of the world? Or did a flock of seagulls get a hold of some old Hitckcock movies?

WTF is going on?? Is a penguin gonna kamakizi a schoolbus next?
Is yesterday the beginning of the Day After Tomorrow?
Bird Flu?

Maybe it's Mad Bird Disease? Mad Cow got crossed with Bird Flu to make Mad Bird!

Either way, we humans have the tools to fight it. We have everything from slingshots to shotguns to stinger missiles! We must use every tool in our collective arsenals to fight the avian menace!
Strange times indeed baby. You think what's on the news is bad, you should check out my life lately...But, this too shall pass, so they say. I'm just not sure who "they" are,.. but I hope they're right.