Is there a way to hide my IP address from others when using "uTorrent" (peer to...


May 14, 2008
Is there a way to hide my IP address from others when using "uTorrent" (peer to...

...peer bittorrent client)? Earlier versions of uTorrent used to have an option to encrypt IP address but in latest version I am not able to find this. Any help will be very much appreciated.
Thank you.
Hi through VPN you can change the IP address and disguise it as an other country IP .A virtual private network (VPN) protects your data and identity over public networks such as the Internet and wireless hotspots (locations that offer wireless connection). A VPN uses a system of special protocols to create an encrypted tunnel that transports data securely. Whereas a firewall protects the data on your computer, a VPN will protect your data on the Internet.

The goal of a VPN is to implement the same level of security provided by private VPN networks (such as those corporations use) at substantially lower costs. VPN services offer up different "gateway" cities, allowing you to choose where the IP address assigned to your computer is located.You can check and confirm the change in your Ip address using site like
you can select vpn service here

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