Where can I find a place to read Forever Dawn by Stephanie Meyer on the internet?


New member
Jan 18, 2009
I read the series of Twilight and got interested in other literature that she has written. While on line, I came across a title I wasn't familiar with and looked for some part of the book but couldn't find much. So I am asking around here because I am extremely eager to find out more about this book.
No, there is no way to find Forever Dawn anywhere. It was only the original Sequel to "Twilight" but never got published. Go on Stephenie Meyer's website it should explain it to you there.
Plus apparently "Breaking Dawn" and "Forever dawn" 's plot is almost exactly the same.

If you want to read something online, try reading "Midnight Sun" it's Twilight in Edward's point of view. But it isn't complete, you can read it here: http://www.stepheniemeyer.com/midnightsun.html

Read the note and then stroll down and it's there.

Happy reading =]
I really think that Stephenie Meyer should write more books to the Twilight Saga. Like come on! Soooo many people are inlove with it!!
i think so too. i would love to see a sequel to Breaking Dawn. See how Bella takes to being immortal and Renesme growing up. I hope she anounces something before the last movie is out.
I know, I think that would b gr8 2! she should write a book on renesme and jacob. i was expecting in breaking dawn for the epilogue to have like a 10 years later or something like that. i really hope she does something with these books.
i luv twilight saga

i want to read forever dawn if anyone nows were to find it reply please i agree she should write more im addicted that is so not fair for her to just STOP i mean come on u cant just stop i love the twilight saga i need more to read ive read everything even the first chapters of midnight sun come on stepheeine meyer i love the twilight series i want more i think roses point of view would be intresting just something to do with the series
stephanie meyer should write a sequel to breaking dawn

i agree she cant just stop the twilight saga. i would like to see breaking dawn in edwards point of view also it would good to know what happens with jake and nessie when shes older cos we're left guessing.
SM please write more Twilight stuff!!!

Ok...so I just downloaded the Twilight books, and I've already got the bit of Midnight Sun available, and The Host. Now what about Forever Dawn?? Come on, Twilight can't finish after just four books!!! Ok, if SM does not want to write about Bella, then at least New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn from Edward's perspective would be great!!!
forever dawn

does anyone know where i can read forever dawn??? im dyinggggg to!! email me if you have any ideas or knwo anything!!

[email protected]
Hey, I so agree there should be more books in the saga, or maybe one from renesmee's point of view, she's going to have problems with the whole her soul mate being a werewolf thing and she being a vampire-hybrid, it would be intresting to see how it plays out.

Oh and If anyone does have the Forever Dawn draft/book, it would be really cool to have a read, if your willing, [email protected] < my email
i totally agree. i mean lately i've been obsessed and she just stops i've read twilight,new moon, eclispe,breaking dawn,the short second life of Bree Tanner, the partial draft of midnight sun and its all just over? I WANNA READ FOREVER DAWN!!
Didn't anyone read on S.M.'s Webpage? if people keep bringing up Midnight Sun it's NEVER going to be finished!!!!! I don't know about all of you but I sure as HELL want to finish reading it, so how about RESPECTING HER WISHES! The Poor Girl has been through Betrayal By some one Close to her and the DRAFT version of the book was Leaked to the Internet WITH OUT HER KNOWLEDGE!! RESPECT IS SOMETHING THAT IS EARNED, AND SHE GAVE US 4 WONDERFUL TWILIGHT BOOKS, SO SHE EARNED IT. SO HOW ABOUT LEAVING THINGS ALONE!
if you want to read some really good stuff following breaking dawn...it consists of 4 different writers *who are absolutely amazing* you should check out bella's diary.com
they have a jacob diary bella diary edward diary renesme and alice...they are all in different P.O.V s and they are superb! i honestly thing that steph meyer should get some ideas from these girls!!! honestly check it out!
I LOVE the twilight saga!! I read the mid-night sun draft on stepheniemeyer.com and I can wait till I can read the whole book! I hope she writes edwards version of new moon eclipes and breaking dawn too though!!!!

u can't really expect stephenie meyer to write a book just because you're so mad about it. Btw, the person who uploaded midnight sun ruined it for the rest of us. Now stephenie meyer says she has stopped writing it--indefinitely. plus, i think it's better to buy books than download them. it's valuable to have them on your phone or whatever, but books don't hurt your eyes and plus you can keep them forever. if we wait patiently, who knows? she just might write some more.
i agree i think she should put out what happens to jacob and nessie also b/c there is so many people that r involed in these movies and they dont want it to end and yes its going to leave us guessing whats going to happen next after breaking dawn and i wish she would put out that book midnight sun.