If China attacked American military satellites in orbit what would our response be?


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Say if China (or any other country) attacked and destroyed American GPS/spy/commercial satellites in orbit, what would be our response?
The Chinese also use the satellites so they would be crippling them selves. Our response would be to leverage harsh diplomatic actions against them.

It is important to note that China was our alli during WW2 and has not been particularly troublesome ot the US. We're still good friends.
If Bush were in office and China attacked American military satellites, Bush would invade Venezuela. He'd make up some cockamamie story to justify the invasion--"Venezuela provided this or that"--but, really, Venezuela has lots and lots of oil.

He'd also mispronounce Venezuela every time he attempted to say it.

As for China: He'd make a big show of going after China's President, Hu Jintao, but nothing would come of it. Bush let bin Ladin go free, so why should China's leader be treated any differently?

And Bush would also stumble over Hu's name whenever he tried to pronounce it.
our government already said an attack on our satellites will be considered as a weapon of mass destruction, our response would be nuclear
it depends who's in charge ... we might nuke them ... or obama would probably give them a hug
if it was with china, wed end trade, and theyd ask for their cash, and a great war happens
I'm doubting it would benefit the Chinese to do something like that. Right now, we'd probably let it go and investigate it through their countries embassy.
I'm doubting it would benefit the Chinese to do something like that. Right now, we'd probably let it go and investigate it through their countries embassy.
umm, i would assume going to decon 2. Where they have every armed forces on alert for a full scale war until it was fully confirmed this was on purpose. Then if it was, NUKES
Nothing. China has been attacking American government computer systems through the Internet for years, and we haven't done anything about it. We've caught Chinese spies trying to steal defense secrets, and we haven't done anything about it.

If you think that a Democratic or Republican president makes a difference here, then you're not paying attention.