Are ANY of the Home Theaters in a Box any good??!!?

Yes, like anything you get what you pay for. HTIB are made for people who don't want to bother with picking separate components.

I'm sure that some of the better ones will do a fine job if set up right.
The only HTIBs that I would buy are those that are receiver-based. Player-based systems are usually crap, mainly because their connections are limited and because they are redundant when other players (i.e. Blu-ray) are purchased. Also, most companies either make good components or good speakers, so to have all parts coming from one company means you're skimping on part of your system.

Onkyo usually has pretty good values, so when people ask me what HTIB they should get I usually recommend the HT-S6100. It's a receiver-based HTIB that's able to decode HD audio. It also has 4 HDMI connections (switch, not pass through), so whether you have a DVD player or Blu-ray player you're "future proof" with one of those.