Trouble starting Honda VLX600D in the cold...?


May 13, 2008
When it gets down below 35 or so, it becomes extremely hard to start my bike. I only get 3-4 good tries for it to turn over with the choke on before the battery starts clicking and I have to set it back on the Tender. This becomes more of a problem if I haven't ridden the bike for a couple days, but is happening with greater frequency. Once it's started, everything is fine, its just the initial turnover. It works great once the temperature gets a little warmer. I don't have a garage so outside storage is the only option. I rode last year when it was 19F out, but I was also riding much more predictably everyday. Any ideas if this is just living with a carburetor or could it be a spark plug/starter issue. Battery is stock and I charge it overnight when repeated starting attempts drain it.