Infinity Universe and God?


Jul 18, 2008
Isn't the actuality of our universe being infinite violates all laws of physics and prove God's existence?
I mean the Universe is Infinite therefore in order to be infinite it must possess infinite power for it's thousands of thousands of suns, this in itself break all known physics laws like energy conservation etc...
Also just the fact that infinity in itself exists proves that our sciences are flawed just like is our minds since it is impossible to fully compreheend infinity in our minds, infinity can only be the work of God because it would possess infinite power and bonderies therefore it is safe to assume that only God could create such a thing such as infinity.
Stop typing little boy before you sprain a finger. You really, really have no idea what you are saying do you. Here is yet another example of a person blindly slamming thier fingers on the keyboard and seeing what drivel can come out.
the universe isnt infinite is 156 billion lightyears across, and still expanding

so far, nothing has been shown to be infinite (other than in concepts like math)
the universe isnt infinite is 156 billion lightyears across, and still expanding

so far, nothing has been shown to be infinite (other than in concepts like math)
As the guy above has said - the universe isnt infinite, it is 156 billion lightyears across.

Your brain is also finite in what it can comprehend. Just because you can't comprehend something does not mean it violates the natural laws. It is merely a tool, and tools have limitations


I am no Christian and my concept of who or what God is nothing like the traditional orthodox view of the Bible.

I believe that everything and everyone is 'God'. That God made all matter in this universe to experience what it is to be a 'rock' a 'star' etc.

Life is the next level. To experience what it is to have emotions, to feel pain, to be happy etc. Whether this was a conscious decision on his/her behalf (what is the point of being an almighty omnipotent being when nothing exists, how can one no what it like to be all powerful if you only ever been all powerful) or whether it was a natural evolution of the energy that ultimately makes up everything I do not know.

But my beliefs do not break any known natural laws. As YOU are God as much as anyone or anything else, does the the mere fact you exist violate any natural laws. NO. Cos without time, space and matter there would be no natural laws to begin with....

ED: To 'Divide and Conquer' The universe is expanding at a known rate, and we also know how long it has been expanding for. It is simple 1st grade maths to calculate the extent of the universe.
The universe doesn't power stars; stars power themselves.

Infinity is quite within the laws of physics, and besides, we know nothing about the universe anyway; it's all theory.

Also, it's not one or the other; there are far more than two choices.
Our Universe is finite and infinite. It is ever expanding and yet there is nothing outside of it. Let that melt your brain.